Web analytics

CustomTask GTM GA debugging

Simo Ahava has a customtask generator, a  great thing, it combines his becoming an article about customtask in Google tag manager into one user-friendly generator. I added a few improvements… Remove the .forEach function In what? Remove PII from Hits   , it is a function in CustomTask, which if it encounters that in the URL or GA parameters there is an email, […]

Web analytics

Facebook parameter fbclid in URL and his removal.

What happened? Facebook has started adding the parameter fbclid (Facebook Click Identifier) ​​to the URL of a click from Facebook posts. This parameter appears only in the web version of Facebook, both on the destop and mobile versions of the web, it has not appeared anywhere on Andriod or IOS applications. What is it used for? […]

Web analytics

How to become a web analyst?

Occasionally I hear about someone wanting to be a web analyst. I’ve tried to mentor a few people and help many just with analytics.